Rules For Visualization - Part 1: Ten Beliefs that You Should Toss out the Window

Courtesy of: Martin Haussmann, bikablo

Meaning, discernment, and the fascinating relationship between words and images – this is what visualization is all about. If you not only know the rules for visualization, but also know which conventional wisdom and beliefs you should toss out the window, it makes it easier to translate concepts into visual language.

Beliefs about Visualization

Belief #1: The simpler, the better.

Not necessarily. You could, of course, attempt to draw the world using only three lines – as long as it truly helped the observer to better understand your point. Usually, though, one of the greatest challenges for visualizers is to strike a balance between including the necessary amount of information and the desire to keep things simple. Albert Einstein is reported to have said: "Everything should be made as simple as possible - but no simpler." Depending on the context and the topic, three lines may actually be all you need - sometimes, though, more is required.

Belief #2: The more creative, the better.

It depends. If you need to explain something complex, it's often best to use the simplest and most common pictograms. A heart stands for love; thunderclouds represent conflict. These symbols may not be particularly original, but their meaning is immediately clear. Of course, if you're trying to build in an element of surprise in a presentation, more unconventional visual translations will be more effective.

Belief #3: Every piece of information has to be drawn.

No, not necessarily. Pictograms are intended to clarify information and provide orientation – just like street signs. The more signs that line the street, however, the less able are you, as the driver, to read what is on each of them. Pictograms are also visual anchors, and they can only provide orientation if they are precisely positioned.

Belief #4: Every pictogram has its own specific meaning.

No. Pictograms are intended to clarify information and provide orientation – just like street signs. The more signs that line the street, however, the less able are you, as the driver, to read what is on each of them. Pictograms are also visual anchors, and they can only provide orientation if they are precisely positioned.


Belief #5: Visualization is a global language.

Be careful! Every culture has its own visual code. Even within your own cultural circle, you cannot necessarily assume that everyone will interpret from your drawings the meaning you intend. For instance, not long ago, an Asian training participant had a question about our pictogram of a coffee cup (see above): “Why are those three noodles floating above the cup?” Globalization is, of course, helping visual language to become more consolidated. It's still usually advisable to incorporate text to help ensure that meanings are made clear.

For more tips on visualization, check out the blog post: Rules for Visualization, Part 2: Ten Beliefs That You Should Toss Out the Window”

Ready to build your visual vocabulary with bikablo? Head over to my courses page for upcoming trainings or my resources page for books to help you get started in building your visual vocabulary.



Rules For Visualization - Part 2: Ten Beliefs that You Should Toss out the Window


bikablo - A Quick Start Guide to Learning Essential Visual Vocabulary